On behalf of CoDanceCo’s Board of Trustees and the Dancing Classroom Long Island staff we extend our thanks to you for your support of Dancing Classrooms™ participation in the Generosity Series 5K Run/Walk event on November 5th. As we stretched our legs, and tightened our shoelaces, we were thankful that the rain had held out…. until it didn’t! As soon as we were ready and set to go, so was the rain. However, our team had spirit and passion, and each of us rose to the occasion triumphantly crossing the finish line with pride and team spirit.
Your contribution goes a long way towards helping us sustain the work of Dancing Classrooms™. Because of your generous donation and/or your participation at the event, we were able to raise over $4,000. The Spin-the-Wheel event once again proved to be a bonus as we won an extra $150 for our organization!
We applaud each and every one of you that made this day possible. It takes a village and you are a vital part of our village!